Welcome to G.D.C. Manikpur

The organization is highly equipped with teaching and learning
infrastructure sustaining Thirteen large classroom,One Seminar
hal, One large llibrary sustaining e-contents. Besides that a
special E-Learning class room with best interactive panel and
lactern. All this collectively provide a enthusiastic environment
for studies in the campus. Existence of Four labs(Physics,Chemistry, Zoology, Botany)
one for each with latest scientific equipments used in various practical process. The
campus has been gifted with learned Proffesors ,Assistant
Professors and other staff who provide proper nourishment to the
entire education system of the organization.
Youth Mahotsava ( YUWA MAHOTSAVA ) is conducted on various themes
sustaining cultural awareness for perfect personality development
of the students. Indoor games like chess, carom, badminton etc
along with outdoor games like cricket,volleyball, kho kho,long and
high jump along with sprint running , discuss throw, shot put and
javelin throw .This sports provide physical toughness and mental
fitness with proximity .It play a pivotal role around which entire
personality cluster . It also provides healthy competition among
the students, so that they can handel the pressure with ease. The
institution also conducted yoga activities by the renowned expert
for mental toughness and stability.
